LAG LOM will implement, together with its partners Gal Meridaunia from Italy and LAG Litoral de la Janda from Spain, a project, signed on 09.07.2019. Administrative contract № RD 50-30 for the provision of grants 19.3 “Preparation and implementation of cooperation activities of local action groups” of measure 19 “Community-led local development” of the RDP 2014 – 2020, for 7 months.

The contracted project is titled "Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development of Our Rural Territories" of the LAG-LOM. NPC worths 48 568 BGL (Bulgarian national currency) and will be implemented during the preparatory phase of the measure. As a result, it will be a ready-made, transnational project proposal which aims sustainable development in the LAG (Local Activity Group), based on shared experience and joint cooperation in the EU. It will ensure the activation and deployment of entrepreneurial potential for sustainable rural development in the three European countries.

The project objective will be met by the implementation of the proposed activities which include: a study and analysis of the local identity of the three partners, conducting on-line workshops with potential partners to discuss the achieved results. During the business trips of the members of the LIG-LOM at the general Meeting with the partners from Italy and Spain a partnership agreement will be signed for the development of common project proposal, which the consortium will apply under the procedure BG06RDNP001-19.083 for selection of project proposals for intra-territorial and transnational cooperation under sub-measure 19.3 of the RDP 2014-2020.

The specific aim of the developed transnational project is to find the common interest of the interacting parties as well as the methods and the ways of influencing the achievement of the goals of the local community in the European aspect.




    Local Activity Group - Lom
    3600 Lom
    Georgi Manafski Str. 19
    Administrative building of Municipal market, fl.2
    Tel: +359
    971 29002
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