
Lom is a town with significant history. The Thracians from the time of Herodotus called the settlement Artanes. Later in the 29th year AC, the Romans built a castle and a road station and called it Almus. Almus is situated on a Roman road along the Danube River, which western part was constructed during the rule of Tiberius emperor. During the early 30ties of the II century AC Almus was part of the Ratsiaria region (today’s Archar village) in the Upper (Superior) Moesia province. The first reports of Lom in the lands of the First Bulgarian Kingdom are from the time of Tervel khan (700 – 718 AC). It is considered that the settlement was called Lom by the Slavs who inhabited the region. During the Second Bulgarian Government the settlement thrives. Lom makes its appearance on the European maps in the XVIII century. By the end of that century the defeated Turkish army settles in the region of the Lomsko kale. The town was then considered as one of the most remarkable towns on the map: “European part of Turkey”(1811).


The town is in its economy and cultural development during the 30’s of XIX century. In 1837 the Austrian ship “Arpad” was the first to cast anchor at Lom, and during the following year a harbor is built and the imperial and Royal Privileged Danubian Shipping Society founded a shipping agency. Lom’s harbor quickly develops as a transport and trade center. The town’s economic upsurge and active connections with Europe are prerequisite for cultural development. In 1894 the Czechs Malotin and Hosman opened the beer factory in Lom, today’s “Lomsko Pivo” JSC. The lively economic development of the town attracted numerous banks, trading bureaus, European and American companies. At the beginning of the XX century numerous of rich families are able to build their homes in “late secession” style, projected by Austrian, Italian and German architects, which buildings are still Lom’s pride.


The History Museum was founded on 20 September 1925 as ‘’Almus’’ Archaeological Society of Lom with a museum on the initiative of Dr. Petar Kardzhiev, graduate in medicine in St. Petersburg. The museum has the following departments: Archaeology, Bulgaria in the 15th-19th Centuries, Contemporary History, Ethnography and Artistic Department. The standing exposition is arranged on two floors according to the following themes: Krastyu Pishurka and The First Theatrical Performances in Lom; The Port of Lom; Deities and Images from Crete and Micena - Late Bronze necropolis near the village of Orsoya, Lom Region; Christian Culture in Time-icon painting and church plates; Urban Lifestyle from the late 19th century to the 1940`s; Lom - the last decades of the 19th century - the 1940`s - administrative structure, economy, crafts, cultural life, and firearms.

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    Georgi Manafski Str. 19
    Administrative building of Municipal market, fl.2
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