


Political and financial instruments "Leader" was established in 1991. It provides local communities in rural areas of the EU the opportunity to play an active role in shaping their own future. The basic idea of ​​a "Leader" is based on the understanding that due to the diversity rural areas in Europe, development strategies are more effective and efficient if designed and implemented at local level by local actors, accompanied by clear and transparent procedures, supported from the administrations and necessary help to spread best practice.

From 1991 to 2007 are developed three generations "Leader": Leader I (1991-93), Leader II (1994-99) and Leader + (2000-06). In that time, Member States and regions support programs "Leader" with separate funding level European Union.

In the programming period 2007-2013 "Leader" is no longer a separate program but an integrated approach in the Program for Rural Development /2007-2013/ - Axis 4. This means that the "Leader" is included in the overall national and regional programs for rural development funded by the EU, together with many other types of axes for rural development.

Community-led local development / CLLD

"Community-led local development" (CLLD) is a continuation of the Leader approach in the new programming period 2014-2020. The main principles underpinning the approach are the same as in Leader.

What is new is that the approach is part of a national program on rural development and the availability of funding for local development strategies from more than one fund - the so-called multi-fund or multi-fund financing.


MEASURE 19 Community-led local development 2014-2020 CLLD / Leader is a method to involve local partners, including civil society and local economic stakeholders in developing and implementing local integrated strategies that help their regions and help transition to a more sustainable future.

Sub measure 19.1. Help for preparatory activities

Sub measure 19.2. Implementation of operations within the strategies for community-led local development 
Sub measure 19.3. Preparation and implementation of cooperation activities of local action groups

Sub measure 19.4. Running costs and promote a strategy for community-led local development