Sub measure 19.1
on the application of sub measure 19.1 "Help for
preparatory activities" in the Lom Municipality
On 12.12.2015 Lom Municipality, representing the built local public-private partnership applied a request for expressions of interest to provide financial assistance in sub measure 19.1 "Help for preparatory activities" RDP 2014-2020 the announced by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food second call reception. After approval of the application of sub measure, on 17.08.2016, the Municipality of Lom signed a contract № 50-104 for granting financial assistance to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food (MAF) and the State Fund "Agriculture" - Paying Agency (SFA - PA) worth 57 054.90 lv. Deputy Minister of Agriculture and food Vassil Grudev awarded the contract Valentin Evtimov - Deputy Mayor of Lom, during an official ceremony held at the Ministry of Agriculture.
In pursuance of the contract Lom Municipality will implement a project for a period of 9 months /17.08.2016 - 17.05.2017/ and will be implemented following activities:
• Formation and establishment of public-private partnership "Local Action Group", abbreviated MIG-LOM registered under the Law for non-profit legal persons;
• Promoting approaches Community-led local development / CLLD / by information events, creating a site MIG-LOM and the dissemination of information materials;
• Training staff LAG and local leaders CLLD;
• Research and analysis of the territory;
• Preparation of a local development strategy / CMP /;
• Coordination and administration of the project.
The project aims at sub measure 19.1. is to achieve high public activity locally and developed a strategy for Community-led local development, the implementation of which MIG to apply for sub measure 19.2 "Implementation of operations within the strategies for Community-led local development" in measure 19 "Community-led local development of the RDP 2014 - 2020 ".